Horsepower with Heart: Unveiling the World of Equine Well-being

Horsepower with Heart: Unveiling the World of Equine Well-being

Horsepower with Heart: Unveiling the World of Equine Well-being

The Intersection of Equine Welfare and Sport: A Conversation with Dr. Jay Merriam

In this post we’re delving into the intriguing world of equine welfare and sports. As a lifelong equestrian enthusiast, I’m passionate about all aspects of equine history, welfare, and their broader significance in our lives.

A Victory for Donkeys in Africa:

An uplifting story recently emerged from Africa, where a new law has banned the sale and slaughter of donkeys for their skins, a practice driven by the Chinese market for traditional medicine. This significant change is a win for the communities whose livelihoods depend on these working animals.

Dressage Community

In contrast, the dressage community has been rocked by allegations of abuse and mistreatment of sport horses in private facilities.

Introducing Dr. Jay Merriam:

Joining us to shed light on these issues is Dr. Jay Merriam, a respected figure in equine veterinary medicine and co-founder of the Equitarian Initiative. With his extensive experience in equine welfare, Dr. Merriam offers a unique perspective on the challenges facing both working and sport horses.

Dr. Merriam’s Insights:

– Equine Athletes and Welfare: Dr. Merriam shares his expertise on what constitutes an equine athlete and the welfare concerns unique to different sports like dressage and show jumping.
– Breeding and Training Challenges: The conversation delves into the ethical dilemmas surrounding the breeding and training of young horses, especially in the context of economic pressures in the sport horse industry.
– Education and Awareness: A key theme of the discussion is the importance of education and awareness among horse owners, trainers, and veterinarians. Dr. Merriam emphasizes the need for a deeper understanding of equine behavior and welfare.
– Global Perspective on Equine Welfare: Drawing from his work with the Equitarian Initiative, Dr. Merriam highlights the lessons that can be learned from working equids in developing countries and how these insights can be applied to improve practices in the sport horse world.



This enlightening conversation with Dr. Jay Merriam underscores the complex and often overlooked aspects of equine welfare, both in the realms of sport and work. As we continue to engage in these critical discussions, we hope to foster a deeper understanding and compassion towards these magnificent creatures that play such an integral role in our lives.

For more discussions on meaningful topics, follow us on Instagram at @inscapequest. Your shares, subscriptions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. Until next time, take care and stay connected.


© Trudi Howley M.S., SEP, LPCC, CPC is a Somatic Psychotherapist and Certified Professional Coach, specializing in trauma healing. 

Disclaimer: The Post is about equine welfare. It contains references to recent public allegations about the abuse of dressage horses. The participants in this discussion have no personal knowledge as to the truth or falsity of any of these allegations and nothing in this podcast is intended to comment on or should be interpreted as commenting on the truth or falsity of any allegation.

PTSD and Healing from War

PTSD and Healing from War

PTSD and Healing from War

Navigating PTSD and Healing from War: Insights from Anne Satori


In this post we explore a poignant and essential topic: PTSD and healing from war. Our guest, Anne Satori, a Benedictine Oblate Candidate and psychologist, shares her profound experiences working with veterans, combining her psychological expertise with the power of poetry to express complex emotions.

Discovering Poetry as a Healing Tool:

Anne’s journey into poetry was unexpected. Engaged in deep work with veterans, she experienced a spectrum of emotions, from fury to deep sadness, learning immensely from their stories. Anne’s venture into poetry began with a writing course suggested during her work at the Warrior Story Field, revealing poetry as a powerful outlet for expression.

Soul Mud: A Poem of Depth and Healing:

Anne’s poem “Soul Mud,” inspired by the concept of ‘soul murder,’ reflects on the profound inner turmoil and emotional bondage resulting from brutal acts in war. This poem is a testament to the struggles veterans face when forced into actions against their moral compass, often leading to deep-seated guilt and shame.

Understanding PTSD in Veterans:

PTSD, often misunderstood by the public, goes beyond the stereotypical notions of violence or loss of control. Anne explains it as a brain and heart issue rooted in the intense hyperarousal soldiers experience in combat. This state of constant alertness can lead to challenges in readjusting to civilian life, seeking situations that reignite their heightened sense of alertness.

The Concept of Moral Injury:

A moral injury arises when individuals engage in, or witness acts that contradict their moral beliefs, leading to profound psychological and spiritual dilemmas. Anne shares heart-wrenching stories of veterans grappling with guilt and shame, often impacting their ability to connect with loved ones upon returning home.

Creative and Therapeutic Approaches:

Anne discusses innovative therapeutic methods, like equine therapy and the Warrior Story Field project. These approaches provide veterans with alternative, more relatable forms of therapy compared to traditional settings. Projects like creating metal sculptures offer a sense of community, mission, and tangible accomplishment, resonating with the military experience.

The Challenge of Transitioning to Civilian Life:

The transition from the extremities of combat to civilian life poses significant challenges for veterans. Anne emphasizes the importance of community support and understanding the complex nature of military life. She suggests various resources for education and understanding, including documentaries, books, and online resources.


Anne Satori’s insights provide a deeper understanding of the struggles veterans face with PTSD and moral injury. Her blend of psychological expertise and poetic expression sheds light on the profound impact of war on the human psyche. As a community, understanding, empathy, and supportive resources are crucial in aiding the healing process for our veterans.

For more discussions on meaningful topics, follow us on Instagram at @inscapequest. Your shares, subscriptions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. Until next time, take care and stay connected.

Important Resources:

– National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255), press 1 for veterans
Veterans Crisis Line: Chat online for support
– Useful Websites:,,

Stay informed and support those in need. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our veterans.

© Trudi Howley M.S., SEP, LPCC, CPC is a Somatic Psychotherapist and Certified Professional Coach, specializing in trauma healing. 

An Insightful Journey into Eating Disorders with Tabitha Farrar

An Insightful Journey into Eating Disorders with Tabitha Farrar

An Insightful Journey into Eating Disorders with Tabitha Farrar

In this post, we delve deep into the complexities of eating disorders with Tabitha Farrar, an eating disorder recovery coach, author, podcast host, farm owner, and equestrian. Join us as we explore the challenges and nuances of eating disorder recovery and the various aspects that shape this intricate journey.

Tabitha Farrar: A Multifaceted Life in Balance:

Tabitha, thriving amidst a bustling schedule, attributes her ability to juggle multiple tasks to her experience with an eating disorder. Having had to manage a life with a high exercise compulsion and the stresses of an eating disorder, she now finds managing a busy life without these constraints relatively easy.

Facing Challenges and Slowing Down:

Recently facing an accident and surgery, Tabitha discusses the difficulty of being forced to slow down and how the recovery process has been both challenging and rewarding. She highlights the importance of embracing rest and the joy of returning to activities she loves.

Eating Disorders and Compulsive Movement:

Tabitha elaborates on the often-overlooked compulsive movement element in restrictive eating disorders. She shares her personal experience with extreme exercise compulsion and how it significantly impacted her life. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing these compulsions in eating disorder recovery.

Restrictive Eating Disorders: Beyond the Stereotypes:

Tabitha challenges the stereotypical view of anorexia and other restrictive eating disorders, explaining how subtle forms of restriction can have significant effects. She emphasizes that eating disorders often don’t manifest as complete meal omission but rather as a consistent pattern of eating less than what the body needs.

The Role of Hunger Signals and Nutrition:

Tabitha advocates for listening to the body’s hunger signals, stressing the importance of trusting these cues over culturally influenced dietary restrictions. She believes that restriction often leads to overconsumption and that a balanced diet naturally emerges when one listens to one’s body’s needs.

Biological Stress and the Genetics of Eating Disorders:

Tabitha discusses the genetic predisposition for eating disorders triggered by energy deficits. She draws parallels between eating disorders and animal migration, suggesting that restrictive eating disorders might be a human form of migration response triggered by perceived food scarcity.

Impact of Family Systems and Recovery:

Family involvement in recovery, especially for younger individuals, is crucial. Tabitha dispels myths about family dynamics causing eating disorders, instead highlighting the importance of family support in recovery.

A Future Free from Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching:

Tabitha envisions a future where her role as a recovery coach is unnecessary, signifying a more effective and understanding eating disorder treatment system. She looks forward to dedicating more time to her passions, such as writing and equestrian pursuits.


Tabitha Farrar’s insights provide a deeper understanding of the complex nature of eating disorders. Her holistic approach to recovery, emphasizing the need to listen to the body and challenge cultural biases, offers hope and guidance for those affected by eating disorders. Her work underscores the importance of comprehensive support systems, both biological and emotional, in the journey towards recovery.

Connect with Tabitha Farrar:

For more information on Tabitha’s work and resources, visit her website at You can also tune into her podcast for further insights into eating disorder recovery.

Follow us on Instagram at @inscapequest for more enlightening conversations. Stay informed, stay connected, and see you in the next episode.

© Trudi Howley M.S., SEP, LPCC, CPC is a Somatic Psychotherapist and Certified Professional Coach, specializing in trauma healing.

Mastering Anxiety: 14 Techniques for Easier Medical Appointments

Mastering Anxiety: 14 Techniques for Easier Medical Appointments

Mastering Anxiety: 14 Techniques for Easier Medical Appointments

Welcome to a special edition of the Inscape Quest blog. In this post, we delve into a crucial topic that resonates with many: managing anxiety during medical appointments. With a plethora of information out there on anxiety and phobias, we focus on practical, sedative-free methods to help you and your patients navigate anxious moments effectively.

The Power of Sound:

1. Utilizing Music and Podcasts: A simple yet effective strategy is using AirPods or wireless earbuds. Load your device with your favorite music or podcasts, ensuring your phone is in ‘do not disturb’ mode. This helps shift attention away from unpleasant sensations, aiding in relaxation.

Body Awareness and Relaxation:

1. Progressive Relaxation: Practice body scans by slowly moving your attention through your body, from feet to head, identifying areas of tension. Breathe into these areas and relax them, gently moving any rigid parts.

2. Distraction Techniques: Wiggling your toes during invasive actions like injections helps distract your brain from discomfort.

3. Sensory Play: Wear something tactile, like a beaded bracelet or a watch, providing a focus for fidgeting.

4. The Power of Touch: Squeeze balls or even a small stuffed animal can be practical tools for tension release.

Breathing Techniques:

1. Controlled Breathing: Practice deep belly or block breathing, where you breathe in, hold, and exhale for equal counts. Incorporating mantras like “Breathing in, I calm myself; breathing out, I relax” can enhance this practice.

Utilizing the Senses:

1. Visual Engagement: Avoid fixed gazes and scan your environment, noting different items or colors. This breaks tunnel vision and engages your mind.

2. Aromatherapy: Essential oils can be a soothing sensory distraction. Choose your favorite scent, apply it to your wrist, or simply inhale from the bottle.

3. Taste as a Distraction: Sucking on candy, especially during non-invasive procedures, offers another sensory focus.

Connecting and Reframing:

1. Building Connection: Engage in small talk with medical staff or express your anxiety openly. This fosters a human connection beyond the patient-caregiver dynamic.

2. Compassion and Self-Compassion: Recognize and gently address any tendencies to dissociate or freeze. Practice self-compassion and empathy towards those assisting you.

3. Reframing Negative Thoughts: Interrupt negative thought loops by consciously reframing them. Phrases like “I may be afraid, but I am brave” can shift your mindset.

Preparation and Planning:

1. Coping Ahead: Familiarize yourself with these techniques in advance and consider listening to guided meditations or relaxation imagery before appointments.

2. Planning for the Appointment: Have a strategy in place, choosing the techniques that work best for you. Practicing them in different settings makes them more accessible during stressful times.


Managing anxiety, especially in medical settings, is a skill that can be cultivated through practice and mindfulness. By utilizing these 14 techniques, you can transform your medical appointments into more manageable experiences. Remember, each moment of discomfort is temporary, and with the right tools, you can navigate them with greater ease and confidence.

For more insightful conversations and tips, subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Podbean, and follow us on Instagram.

Cheerio for now! 🎵

© Trudi Howley M.S., SEP, LPCC, CPC is a Somatic Psychotherapist and Certified Professional Coach, specializing in trauma healing. 

Delving into the Musical Universe of Grammy-winning Pianist Peter Kater

Delving into the Musical Universe of Grammy-winning Pianist Peter Kater

Delving into the Musical Universe of Grammy-winning Pianist Peter Kater

The Creative Essence of Peter Kater: An In-Depth Conversation on Music, Nature, and Self-Exploration


In this insightful episode of the Inscape Quest podcast, we delve into the mind and soul of Peter Kater, a two-time Grammy-winning composer renowned for his solo piano improvisations and collaborations. I had the unique opportunity to explore Peter’s deep connection with creativity, nature, and the profound impact of his musical journey.

The Genesis of Under-the-Piano Experiences:

Peter shares the organic inception of his now-famous under-the-piano sessions during retreats in Hawaii. This unconventional setting allows listeners to immerse themselves in his music more intimately. Fascinatingly, this approach led to his Grammy-winning album, composed of personal improvisations for individuals lying under his piano.

Creative Process and Self-Exploration:

Peter’s creative endeavors are deeply rooted in self-exploration and responding to his emotional and spiritual state. He expresses a profound connection to the creative void, where all his music originates. His process is intuitive, waiting for the right moment of inspiration before approaching the piano.

Influence of Environment on Creativity:

Our conversation delves into how different environments influence Peter’s creativity. He contrasts the fluid, improvisational music created in Hawaii’s feminine energy and the structured, composed pieces born in Colorado’s masculine energy. These distinctions are reflected in his Grammy-winning albums “Dancing on Water” and “Wings.”

Integrating Life Experiences into Music:

From his early days improvising in Boulder to encounters with influential figures like Allen Ginsberg, Peter’s journey is a tapestry of experiences. His music is a reflection of his life, shaped by personal growth, self-discovery, and the ever-evolving nature of his surroundings.

The Retreat Experience:

Peter also touches on his retreats, where music, nature, and communal sharing create transformative experiences. These retreats mirror his creative philosophy, emphasizing authenticity, vulnerability, and the shared human experience.

A Glimpse into Future Compositions:

Peter remains open and receptive as he anticipates his next creative phase, allowing his music to emerge organically from a place of present awareness. His approach is a testament to the power of living and creating in the moment.


Our conversation with Peter Kater not only unravels the layers of his musical genius but also offers a window into the soul of an artist who lives and breathes creativity. His journey inspires us to explore our inner worlds and embrace the ever-changing landscape of our lives.


© Trudi Howley M.S., SEP, LPCC, CPC is a Somatic Psychotherapist and Certified Professional Coach, specializing in trauma healing.